Jie Guang

Launch project
  • Client: Jie Guang
  • Type: iOS & Android Apps
  • Deliverables: Development, UI, UX, Concept

Jie Guang is a sharing economy platform implemented through a mobile internet application. It builds a C2C instant sharing ecosystem through an intelligent interactive platform based on big data cloud computing, optimizing resource allocation. It targets the three major pain points of the front end: "too late" for instant demand, "cannot find" for non-standard demand, and "no response" for long-tail demand; it integrates the three kinds of resources of the back end: fragmented time, multiple skills, and idle resources. At the same time, it takes into account the business demands of three types of economic activity units: individuals, professional groups, and corporate organizations. It uses the principle of long-tail economy and the "aggregation high-frequency effect" to make it possible for everything to be linked to people and services.